

Urgell, Gemma; Espelt, Ricard


Talkingabout is an approach to learning through the experience that conversation brings.It allows the collecting of experiences of a video conversation and then, from it, to construct a discussion.  A conversation via open points of view and users opinions and votes. In Talkingabout it is possible to classify each conversation and highlight certain concepts.

Es una propuesta de aprendizaje a través de la experiencia que aporta la conversación. Permite recoger la experiencia de una conversación en vídeo para después a partir de ella construir un debate. Conversación horizontal a través de la opinión abierta por los usuarios y sus votaciones. Permite clasificar cada una de las conversaciones y destacar determinados conceptos.


Wheeler, Matthew

“Managing Assessment within a Personal Learning System.”

Many institutional tools, such as Learning Management Systems (LMS) now contain assessment management tools enabling students to submit assignments and receive electronic feedback and grades in return. However, these institutional tools can often result in a blurring of boundaries between institutional and personalized learning approaches.

This demonstration will show how the Personal Learning System (PLS), PebblePad, successfully combines both personalized learning and institutional assessment processes using a component tool of PebblePad, known as the ‘Gateway’. The concept of managing assessments within a personalized learning system is based on examples from our customers across Europe & Australia.