Registration & Fees

The conference fee includes participation in the conference, coffee and lunches, and the opening social event (wine tasting & tapas). The fees are:

Presenters €200
Participants €230
On the day (space permitting) €250

Early registration is advised as we expect the conference to be fully subscribed. How to register and pay:

Bank transfer (Payment in Euros, all bank charges pre-paid)

Bank account number: 2100 5115 99 0200022688

Beneficiary: Fundació Privada pel Foment de la Societat del Coneixement

Beneficiary address: Pl. Can Suris, s/n – 08940 Cornella, Spain

Banc / Banco / Bank: La Caixa

Agència / Agencia / Bank Office: Can Suris, Barcelones, 3 08940 Cornellà de Llobregat

IBAN: ES8521005115990200022688


Credit card:



Please make sure to include your personal details, and the code PLE2010 in the case of bank transfers. If you are paying with credit card, please take note of the Order Number (”Num pedido”), and send us an email stating your personal details and this number. Please send a copy of the receipt to and we will send a confirmation email as soon as we receive the payment.